Behind the Scenes with Gaetan

A Project Manager’s Journey at Future is Data

Gaetan, can you share more about your personal and professional background, and what led you to join Future is Data (FID)?

Certainly! I’m a 25-year-old project manager whose passion for technology has shaped my career path from the very beginning. After completing my studies in engineering at ENSGSI in the historic city of Nancy, I embarked on a professional journey that has taken me through various facets of the IT industry. My first role in the field involved managing the implementation of e-commerce sites, a challenging yet exhilarating year throughout which I learned the ropes of large-scale project management in a fast-paced environment. Following this, I dedicated two years to developing and deploying comprehensive CRM systems for prestigious financial groups based in Luxembourg. These experiences not only sharpened my technical skills but also deepened my understanding of client needs across different sectors.

In March of last year, I made a pivotal decision to join FID, drawn by the company’s innovative approach to data management and its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in fintech. What attracted me most was the opportunity to be at the forefront of technological advancements, working on a platform that is not only dynamic but also crucial for our clients’ operations.

What exactly is your role at Future is Data? How would you describe your job to friends or family?

At Future is Data, my primary role as a Project Manager involves overseeing the successful deployment of our flagship platform, D360, across client sites. I manage the entire project lifecycle—from initial client consultations to final handover and user training. To my friends and family, I often describe my job as being akin to a translator. I decode complex technical jargon into understandable terms and ensure that both our developers and clients are aligned, facilitating a seamless flow of information. This role is crucial as it ensures that the technical solutions we develop fully meet the strategic needs of our clients while being user-friendly and effective.

Looking ahead, who would you like to see featured in our next interview?

For our next interview, I’d be thrilled to see Piotr, our Head Developer, take the spotlight. His technical expertise and vision for the future of our platform are nothing short of inspiring. An interview with Piotr would offer invaluable insights into the technological innovations that drive FID and how these advancements are shaping the fintech landscape. This will give the readers a perfect overview of the IT and project side and how we tackle projects.

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